2 participants: 5% Group Discount
3 to 5 participants: 10% Group Discount
6 or more participants: 15% Group Discount
Group discount applies for payment one week prior to the training date
(Available also for customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Current Trends in Growing Organizations – where to start and how to do it.
Course Description
Growing organisations
throughout history requires creativity and innovation.
This course considers
innovations throughout history identifying that very few innovative ideas are
new; the vast majority take something that is already working and improve it,
be it a product, service or process.
You’ll consider the
development of an innovation that you are particularly interested in, and,
through a short project, produce and share with other learners your
interpretation of its history.
What topics will you cover?
What is innovation? Interpretation
in business and within a wider context
Determining types of
innovation: products, processes, services
Levels of innovation:
incremental, radical, disruptive
Innovation in action: the
challenges of an independent, serial innovator
The solar fridge: finding
innovative solutions to challenges in Africa
Learning in this course
You can take this self-guided
course and learn at your own pace. At every step of the course, you can meet
other learners, share your ideas
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course,
you‘ll be able to...
–Discuss great innovations from history and
share ideas with fellow learners.
–Explore what the term 'innovation' means and
reflect on how it is interpreted in business and wider contexts.
–Contribute to the discussion regarding the
different types of innovation and think of examples of each.
–Identify examples of the three levels of
innovation: incremental, radical and disruptive.
–Evaluate your chosen innovation in light of
your understanding of the types and levels of innovation.
–Research and report on the history and
development of an innovation of your choice.
–Record and report on the history of your chosen
–Share and discuss your report on your chosen
innovation with fellow learners.
Who Is Right For The Program
This course is designed
to meet the needs of all staff in your organisation who desire to learn new
trends in organizational development
presentation, using practical exercises, demonstration,
quizzes, hands-on group discussion, question and answer. role plays and
case studies, participants in this course will gain useful insight into how to
identify and use the attitudes and behaviours that have a positive impact on
increased productivity.
Our portfolio of more than 200 training courses are currently designed to address the current training needs of our clients incorporating latest trends and internationally accepted best practices, in each distinct subject area.